President's Message

We are extremely happy to publish the 45th Annual Report of OVHA and it is also giving us new hope for the coming years. OVI IA as a federation of NO0' s of Odisha working since 1974 in BerhanipUr to now its present own alike at Bhubaneswar . Lot of things has happened in between. The Year 2018-19 in OVHA and its member organizations spread over all the 30 districts of Odisha experienced a lot of ups and downs so far as this federation OVHA is concerned. The Annual Report for the year 2018-19 contains in itself the potentiality for the coming year 2019- 20. We express our deep gratitude to all the member organizations donors, would be donors for encouraging us at present and giving us assurance for the future. The oldest federation of Odisha like ours experiences a very bright near future, which will keep the health status of our state in a greater height. Let the Annual Report 2018-19 percolates more enthusiasm with all concerned, the voluntary sector and the volunteers to prosper and help prosper the general public of our state to feel more secure with secured health.
Thanking all of you,
With due regards.

S.C. Sahu President , OVHA