Training on Tribal Youth as Social Animators



22.8 % of the total population of Odisha are tribe. The enumeration of Scheduled Tribe population as a special category started from the year 1961. An alarming feature is the declining trend of ST population as a proportion of total population in Odisha. This might be because of a higher death rate among tribals. As OVHA is the largest and oldest federation of voluntary organizations in Odisha, it has 161 partner organizations working in all the 30 districts of Odisha. Since its inception i.e., since last 43 years OVHA is working to achieve its vision of Making Health a Reality for the People of Odisha. So OVHA along with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD) jointly organized a training programme for the ST youths from 25th to 29th March 2016 at OVHA Training Hall. Through this training OVHA tried to create awareness among the tribal youths to empower them so that they can act as change makers for the society as a whole and for their community in particular. Attempt was made to make a gathering of tribal youths from different districts of Odisha to give them a platform to interact with each other for creating a better learning environment.


To conduct Training and Capacity Building Programme for the tribal youths in order to provide a platform for them to make them engage in nation building activities and also realization of the Youth Development Goals.